Vohne Liche Kennels West |
Caribbean Shores |
The Bicho Brothers. |
Hurricane Ruth. |
Kinetic Dog Food |
Retired Paws Organization |
I T S |
Alpha Dogs |
The Fleck Law Update |
Los Angeles County Police Canine Association |
International Tactical Officers Training Association (ITOTA) |
Tactical K9. |
Dog Sport Magazine |
Airborne Law Enforcement Association |
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms |
Calibre Press |
Classic Insurance for Canines |
CopNet |
Federal Bureau of Investigation |
Federal Law Enforcement Training Center |
Financial Crimes Enforcement Network |
International Association of Chiefs of Police |
National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center |
National Sheriffs' Association |
Police Executive Research Forum |
"Police Magazine" |
The Police Officer's Internet Directory |
United States Customs Service |
United States Marshals Service |
"The World's Most Wanted" Fugitives and Unsolved Crimes |
Zeno's Forensic Page |
Sacramento Sheriff K9 Association |