John Wick Dogs and Dog the Movie
Alpha Dogs
Ken Licklider Episode 111
Vohne Liche Kennels
Talking Working Dogs
Talking Working Dogs
Vohne Liche Kennels
Evolution of VLK Logo's
The Evolution of the VLK Logo
Joe Licklider
David Letterman Show
Who saw Kenny Licklider and Daisy the Malinois on David Letterman Monday night? Kenny and his Vohne Liche Kennels team are starring in Nat Geo Wild's Alpha Dogs. Kenny and Daisy did a great job w Dave, who had fun with the segment. Daisy even sniffed out a pseudo explosive on the set. :) And Kenny was his usual unruffled, relaxed, amusing self
Vohne Liche Kennels
2017 AWD and VLK K-9 Olympics
August 7-11, 2017 American Working Dogs and Vohne Liche Kennels 18th Annual Seminar and Certification Trials
Susan Kulla
Detection VLK
Detection Dogs at Vohne Liche Kennels
Michael Dean
K9 Training Vohne Liche Kennels
K9 Training at Vohne Liche Kennels 04-2011. I met a lot of great guys from around the country. Good time!
Bobby Roettger
Vohne Liche Kennels Director of Military Operations, Bobby Roettger, discusses the nutritional needs of working K-9s.
Randall School
Special Forces
Testing for Special Forces Candidates
and Luis
Various training scenarios in several facilities with Ken, Dan, and Luis
Promo Video
Alpha Dogs Promo
Eric See
Vehicle training
Vehicle search training with Eric and Inter- Con handlers
video 2
National Odor Recognition testing/Department of State Odor Recognition testing. VLK preparing dogs to certify at state department before going to Afghanistan
Canil Caraibas
Ken Licklider
Imprintation training in Brazil
Clipe 02
Awards and graduation ceremony
Clipe Caraibas
Establishing 1st certification for Narcotic and Bomb dogs through South American Working Dog program in Brazil.
Clipe Caraibas
Seminario 1
Ken working with police and military in Goiania, Brazil
Hietor/Leonardo/Jorge bringing dogs to VLK. 1st visit from Brazil.
Music "Let Me Sing, Let Me Sing" by Raul Seixasaul Seixas
Danny Parker
Dir of Operations. Law Enforcement
Various training scenarios in several facilities with Ken, Dan, and Luis